Cloud Foundry
From Zero To Hero

01 What is Cloud Foundry?

This content is copyright of CloudCredo. © CloudCredo 2015. All rights reserved.

Why are we here?

  1. To discover Cloud Foundry
  2. To learn by doing, as a team
  3. To become Cloud Foundry Heroes

You will learn:

  1. What is Cloud Foundry?
  2. How do I interact with CF?
  3. How do I push my app into CF?
  4. What are app buildpacks?


  1. How does CF make my app resilient?
  2. How do I debug my CF app?
  3. How is shared state handled in CF apps?
  4. How do I use custom domains & routes?

If you really want to learn,
ask questions

Questions cannot be stupid. Answers can.

We will deliver a feature
every topic

Why is the content being delivered by a team of people?

Content on USB flash drive

  • Slides for you to follow along
  • Example apps
  • Content from other training tracks

Slides are available online

If you need an extra challenge

Become a CF Superhero

What is Cloud Foundry?

  • An open Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Fast and easy to build, test, deploy & scale apps
  • Works with any* language or framework

Find out more at

What is Platform as a Service?

  • Cloud Computing characterised as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS
  • Applications are the PaaS unit of currency
  • Heroku blazed a trail for PaaS

Why Platform as a Service?

  • Deliver business value quickly
  • Focus on what matters for your business
  • Cheap & fast to fail, promote learning

Cloud Foundry Foundation

  • EMC
  • HP
  • IBM
  • Intel
  • Pivotal
  • SAP
  • Swisscom
  • VMware
  • … 45 orgs and growing!

How many types of CF?

  1. Open Source Software
  2. Vendored Distribution
  3. Private Service
  4. Public Service

1. Open Source Software

Great learning opportunity

2. Vendored Distribution

  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry
  • HP Helion Development Platform

3. Private Service

  • CloudCredo Platform
  • IBM Bluemix Dedicated
  • CenturyLink Private Cloud
  • Canopy Enterprise Private Cloud
  • HP Helion Development Platform

4. Public Service

  • Anynines
  • Swisscom
  • IBM Bluemix
  • Pivotal Web Services


As a CF hero
I want to have a CF account
So that I don't have to worry about infrastructure ever again


As a CF hero
I want to have a CF account
So that I don't have to worry about infrastructure ever again

Any questions?

Questions cannot be stupid. Answers can.


Compare public platforms & architectures:

This content is copyright of CloudCredo. © CloudCredo 2015. All rights reserved.